漫画、作曲、ラップ、プログラミングをやっています。I am Keita Roimo: Manga Artist, Musician, Rapper, Software Engineer.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
ペンタブも、(iPad Pro × クリスタ)で、出力自体は他のアプリケーションとは比べ物にならないほどクオリティが高いものの、未だにどうもしっくりこず、描きにくく、描くのが辛く、出来上がりも思ったようにできず、
ああ.... 僕ってこんなに描けなかったんだ....
という自己嫌悪に陥りました.... そしてちょっとした抑うつになり、ラップとか作曲とかでなんとか盛り返したんですが、結構自己肯定感と漫画やってる感の相関指数が高いので(19歳からそんな感じ)、どんどん落ち込んでしまい、にっちもさっちもいかなくなっていたのです。
どうかどうか、漫画関連の文房具業界よ潰れないでくださいね 。
ペンタブも、(iPad Pro × クリスタ)で、出力自体は他のアプリケーションとは比べ物にならないほどクオリティが高いものの、未だにどうもしっくりこず、描きにくく、描くのが辛く、出来上がりも思ったようにできず、
ああ.... 僕ってこんなに描けなかったんだ....
という自己嫌悪に陥りました.... そしてちょっとした抑うつになり、ラップとか作曲とかでなんとか盛り返したんですが、結構自己肯定感と漫画やってる感の相関指数が高いので(19歳からそんな感じ)、どんどん落ち込んでしまい、にっちもさっちもいかなくなっていたのです。
どうかどうか、漫画関連の文房具業界よ潰れないでくださいね 。
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Monday, December 25, 2017
Saturday, December 23, 2017
HTTPS Everywhereと言う機能が存在し、これは、デフォできちんとこの状態にしてくれるブラウザは僕の知っている限りだとTorとBraveのみです。
また、fingerprint(指紋)と言って、自分のマシンの外に自分の余計な情報(クッキー = 閲覧履歴)が漏洩する可能性があります。これは、僕たちユーザーのネットでの関心情報(つまり、僕たちの個人と、その検索履歴を紐付ける情報)を第三者機関が好き勝手に管理、アクセスできるということです。
HTTPS Everywhereと言う機能が存在し、これは、デフォできちんとこの状態にしてくれるブラウザは僕の知っている限りだとTorとBraveのみです。
また、fingerprint(指紋)と言って、自分のマシンの外に自分の余計な情報(クッキー = 閲覧履歴)が漏洩する可能性があります。これは、僕たちユーザーのネットでの関心情報(つまり、僕たちの個人と、その検索履歴を紐付ける情報)を第三者機関が好き勝手に管理、アクセスできるということです。
Friday, December 22, 2017
Why the Rhyme of Rap song is hard to understand? Explained
Almost more than a decade ago I've heard from Canadian English tutor(? if I remember correctly) that English rap song is even hard for English speaking people to understand. Though the rhyme I exactly recollect is not that many (Eminem's The Real Slim Shady and Tupac's God Bless the Dead and another), I personally myself grasp why the rhyme of rap song is not that easy to understand. Would like to show you how this happens using example. Here the rhyme is going to be built from scratch, and two sentences which ends with the same vowel combinations created:
My name is John Brown. Today I get out of this town.
Then the next step is to add a little more:
My name is John Brown. Today I get out of this town.
Government always oppresses people, maybe next time I want Kindle.
Now we got a fair amount of rhymes as an example. But these sentences, though these are almost grammatically correct, still not well-structured lacking granularity and flexibility in the aspect of rhythm composition. So it has to be optimized to add granularity and more rap-oriented structure, to make it seamless to the composition of beat elements:
My nameis John Brown Frown twice stopped Crown. Today I gettin out of this town thus no Plan, Standing Fan.
Government Rent Tax Grape always oppresses messin people lazy, maybe next time dime I want Kindle Riddle rhyme.
This time we added tiny fraction of words to increase the cohesion of the same sound reside together.
So even though original message and its clearness of the meaning drastically decreased, the tonal availability to set it on rap beat increased at the expense of the meaning. Then we modify it further:
Hey, My nameis John Brown Frown Stack twice / stopped Crown Going Down. Lame, Today I gettin out of towel this town thus no Plan, Uh, Standing Fan.
Gov-vernment Waste Rent Tax Grape State always oppresses messin people lazy, hating, maybe next time dime I want to cry Kindle Riddle rhyme.
Something like this: so the process is such that initially make the plain text and recursively the words are added or updated in order to make it more rhythmical.
To encrypt the word, sometimes conversion of consonants in word occur such as:
Jesus Christ ⇨ Linus Swipe
Which is really hard to detect its original terms.
I think this is the reason why rap song is hard to understand. 😢
To make thing worse, when the negative words happens to be added on it, it makes listeners misunderstand they are dissed or criticized even though it is not. (But always conflict between rappers occur since this encrypted rhyme text is really easy to be misunderstood, even though you are criticizing government, the listener can think it as the personal attack to them, one of the biggest trouble in rap music).
My name is John Brown. Today I get out of this town.
Then the next step is to add a little more:
My name is John Brown. Today I get out of this town.
Government always oppresses people, maybe next time I want Kindle.
Now we got a fair amount of rhymes as an example. But these sentences, though these are almost grammatically correct, still not well-structured lacking granularity and flexibility in the aspect of rhythm composition. So it has to be optimized to add granularity and more rap-oriented structure, to make it seamless to the composition of beat elements:
My name
Government Rent Tax Grape always oppresses messin people lazy, maybe next time dime I want Kindle Riddle rhyme.
This time we added tiny fraction of words to increase the cohesion of the same sound reside together.
So even though original message and its clearness of the meaning drastically decreased, the tonal availability to set it on rap beat increased at the expense of the meaning. Then we modify it further:
Hey, My name
Something like this: so the process is such that initially make the plain text and recursively the words are added or updated in order to make it more rhythmical.
To encrypt the word, sometimes conversion of consonants in word occur such as:
Jesus Christ ⇨ Linus Swipe
Which is really hard to detect its original terms.
I think this is the reason why rap song is hard to understand. 😢
To make thing worse, when the negative words happens to be added on it, it makes listeners misunderstand they are dissed or criticized even though it is not. (But always conflict between rappers occur since this encrypted rhyme text is really easy to be misunderstood, even though you are criticizing government, the listener can think it as the personal attack to them, one of the biggest trouble in rap music).
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Monday, December 18, 2017
近未来っぽい仏様を描いた コミスタの方がprocreateやメディバンより頭一つ抜けてることが明白になった。線の雑さもない
32年生きているので細かい図形の語彙が頭の中にいっぱいこある(その分言語は弱い..... 多分 4:4:2 = 画像:音:言語でパーティションになってると思われる....)
Government needs to invest in AI/IoT to rescue the aging society.
I would have to persistently address that the government has to invest in the nursery automation industry(NAI). It is crucial since the ratio of elderly people are increasing, i.e. if no enough action has been taken, the productivity of the entire society would decrease.
My point is, as a solution to this demographic reduction issue, we need to utilize engineering skills, which many old-fashioned Japanese entrepreneurs regard it as non-sequitur. In order to realize this the government needs to invest in the market or universities which does R&D on this area. Investment in NAI is really important. The result of this area also can be applied to helping the people with disabilities.
One by one, gradually as an agile methodology each machine needs to be implemented and released. Those requirement needs to be enlisted, and going to be developed one by one.
- Excrement Evacuation and Cleansing Engine
- Body Washing Engine
- Action Support Engine
- Walk Support Engine
- Eat Support Engine
These, as far as I know the current industry status, is not yet fully defined as B to C requirement. The market needs to develop those and it deserves to be fully invested since this can reduce the amount of labor currently people around (40 - 60) are engaged in. Not a few portion of people are forced to quit their job since they need to take care of their parents(介護離職). The waste of time for this non-productive work deprives society of its productivity and discourages young people marrying with their partners.
Also, in addition, we need to invest in the AI/IoT-based technology to detect the irregularity of the resident who lives in an apartment alone, such that since as soon as the device detects the irregular status of the resident, it alerts the landlord or another third-party vendors and visit the room before he/she has been dead for a weak and decomposition occurs, which could be expected more in the next decades.
Anyway, governments esp. in the developed countries needs to focus on this topic and never be distracted by OLD-FASHIONNESS or OLD-PEOPLE's-HMMMM-THIS-IS-NONSENSE stuff since we do not want any more 311 TEPCO disaster. What we need is the flexible and seemingly stupid idea of young generation, in which the solution to the problem youngsta facing with.
Invention and innovation always change the world and its status quo.
Does LDP work for this? Or we need another party?
NOTE: the most important thing is, not such as Naoto Kan, infamous for rejecting the foreign aid, there needs the international cooperations in order to develop those devices efficiently. We need to enhance engineers or entrepreneurs of multiple countries and tackle with this nursery function implementations. And finally our goal is get rid of caregiver's job. This also is partially benefitial to them since their amount of work reduced and they can focus on more productive activities rather than fighting with the excrements.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
[CLIP STUDIO for iPad Pro] トーンの範囲選択、二回目ができない場合の解決法
クリスタで、トーンの範囲選択の二回目がiPad Proでできない!(デフォで)という問題があったので、その解決法を覚書程度に記載します。
範囲選択の詳細設定で(サブツール)、ツールプロパティというのが下半分に出てくると思いますが、そのチェックボックスで複数選択?(Multiple referring)というのがあるので、そいつをオンにします、以下のように:
範囲選択の詳細設定で(サブツール)、ツールプロパティというのが下半分に出てくると思いますが、そのチェックボックスで複数選択?(Multiple referring)というのがあるので、そいつをオンにします、以下のように:
【あきらめないで!まだ間に合う】 CLIP STUDIO PAINT 下書き、本番レイヤー混合ミス問題の解決法
おおよそ、クリスタで線画から描くのを厭う最大の問題はここにあると言っても過言ではない。Cintiqシリーズとか、諸々インターフェースあり、また、iPad Proもあるのに、やっぱりなんかこれ系のコミスタ系列のアプリウゼェ。と。
1) まず、下書きは水色で書くことを前提とします。
2) レイヤーViewの右上に(英語でスンマセン)、なんか選ぶ系のタブがあるのでこいつをクリックします。
3) vivid lightとかいうやつを選択します(わかんなかったら一個一個試してUndoを繰り返してみてください、きっと当たります)
あ、ちなみに ClearViewっていうところから出してる
あ、あとペンの筆圧をデフォルトからちょっと変えるとペンタブ特有の描きにくさを低減して、より紙にかいてる感じの筆圧になります👇 僕はこの人のを参考にしましたが、今の所いい感じです。
クリスタまじ優秀。 procreate話になんない。日本人優秀ね。
1) まず、下書きは水色で書くことを前提とします。
2) レイヤーViewの右上に(英語でスンマセン)、なんか選ぶ系のタブがあるのでこいつをクリックします。
3) vivid lightとかいうやつを選択します(わかんなかったら一個一個試してUndoを繰り返してみてください、きっと当たります)
あ、ちなみに ClearViewっていうところから出してる
APPLE iPad Pro 12.9インチ用【書き味向上】液晶保護フィルム
てのを貼るとiPad Proのツルツル(これもうざい)が紙みたいなペンの引っかかりになるので、比較的描くのが楽になります。いやー、デジタルいいね。ようやく紙が要らなくなりそうだ。
あ、あとペンの筆圧をデフォルトからちょっと変えるとペンタブ特有の描きにくさを低減して、より紙にかいてる感じの筆圧になります👇 僕はこの人のを参考にしましたが、今の所いい感じです。
iPad版クリスタ、全然思うように線引けなくて泣きそうだったんだけど、筆圧レベルの調整を何度か繰り返して調整したら、嘘みたいに線の質が上がった…!— 田淵宏◆Hiroshi Tabuchi (@fcp_tbc) December 7, 2017
クリスタまじ優秀。 procreate話になんない。日本人優秀ね。
Friday, December 15, 2017
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Recently I gradually came to understand how privacy is the crucial part of the basic human rights, and also it is really hard to keep that rights from the intention of malfeasance.
You may know why the blockchain impacted global society because it does split your identity from the actual payment info, which cannot be realized under the central bank-based social system. (yet the crypto-currency is now victimized by the Japanese bureaucrats with extremely heavy taxes and requirement of identification to make it available.)
I thought Facebook is totally vulnerable to the governmental pressure like FBI investigation, but the thing was much worse. Please look at the following article:
So it can be concluded that our daily activity is monitored (or at least exposed to the state that it is accessible from the third party), and as described, the company compromised the user's rights to the pressure of Chinese, American, Turkey government. Also, if you are any kind of political activist who fight against the authority, even though you are not that violent terrorist, your privacy and account is at risk. They can arbitrarily shut your account down.
In addition, that website tracks your cookie, such that Facebook spoofs your geolocation and the all browsing histories other than connection to the facebook pages.
Definitely, these are the serious and fatal offenses to our basic democracy and we actually hve been exploited by that gigantic corporation. It even violates the EU law. They disrespect our freedom of speech either.
So now how you can trust that SNS website? Maybe we may need even to doubt LINE, Skype, Instagram, Gmail etc... (Of course I hate Google since it does collect our browsing history for the commercial purpose but that does not ensure that they are going to abuse our privacy with it).
Now its high time for us to realize the security risk and our democracy and individual freedom is always threatened and violated by so many private organizations or governments.
One notable example in Japan is Hase-Cara incident, kind of cyber-bullying social phenomenon occurred since 2012. There is not much space to talk detail history of this, but to be brief, a high-school kid who posted a lot on the 2-chan, because of the bulk of his past comment archives, the anonymous netizens found his identity and his address. After that, a lawyer who tried to defend him also became target of the cyber-bullying and severe physical and on-line harassments occurred persistently. The community made such as nomenclature "toy of the cyber-space", and the private info including name, school, address, etc.. of the victim's friends or relatives are even exposed on the internet, and impostors of those victims did bunch of nasty things only to defame the targets, making the stickers the face and name of the victim on it and randomly paste in public... such kind of thing.
It is not that easy to think it as 100% democratic phenomenon but might be some bad organizations are behind it in order to control the public opinion, for instance, if a guy tries to criticize some profit group in public, the sanction such as this Hase-Cara attack and defame the target with the label that he/she is schizo/insane("ama-imo") could invalidate the target/target's acclaims. (This is what I concern the most). Yet this part is just a guess, at this point I do not find any proof but it is really likely.
For those whom I rejected being friends with on facebook.... here the cause lies on. I personally did not care much about exposing and broadcasting my private activity on line, but did not want to involve and harm other's info, even though sensitive or not, when my account or its data has been exploited or compromised. I actually did connected with several of my old friends, but that was simply because I didn't realize that risk when I added them as a new FB friend, or since those people lived far from Tokyo or even Japan. So please do not feel bad about my past rejection, there was reason.
You may know why the blockchain impacted global society because it does split your identity from the actual payment info, which cannot be realized under the central bank-based social system. (yet the crypto-currency is now victimized by the Japanese bureaucrats with extremely heavy taxes and requirement of identification to make it available.)
I thought Facebook is totally vulnerable to the governmental pressure like FBI investigation, but the thing was much worse. Please look at the following article:
So it can be concluded that our daily activity is monitored (or at least exposed to the state that it is accessible from the third party), and as described, the company compromised the user's rights to the pressure of Chinese, American, Turkey government. Also, if you are any kind of political activist who fight against the authority, even though you are not that violent terrorist, your privacy and account is at risk. They can arbitrarily shut your account down.
In addition, that website tracks your cookie, such that Facebook spoofs your geolocation and the all browsing histories other than connection to the facebook pages.
Definitely, these are the serious and fatal offenses to our basic democracy and we actually hve been exploited by that gigantic corporation. It even violates the EU law. They disrespect our freedom of speech either.
So now how you can trust that SNS website? Maybe we may need even to doubt LINE, Skype, Instagram, Gmail etc... (Of course I hate Google since it does collect our browsing history for the commercial purpose but that does not ensure that they are going to abuse our privacy with it).
Now its high time for us to realize the security risk and our democracy and individual freedom is always threatened and violated by so many private organizations or governments.
One notable example in Japan is Hase-Cara incident, kind of cyber-bullying social phenomenon occurred since 2012. There is not much space to talk detail history of this, but to be brief, a high-school kid who posted a lot on the 2-chan, because of the bulk of his past comment archives, the anonymous netizens found his identity and his address. After that, a lawyer who tried to defend him also became target of the cyber-bullying and severe physical and on-line harassments occurred persistently. The community made such as nomenclature "toy of the cyber-space", and the private info including name, school, address, etc.. of the victim's friends or relatives are even exposed on the internet, and impostors of those victims did bunch of nasty things only to defame the targets, making the stickers the face and name of the victim on it and randomly paste in public... such kind of thing.
It is not that easy to think it as 100% democratic phenomenon but might be some bad organizations are behind it in order to control the public opinion, for instance, if a guy tries to criticize some profit group in public, the sanction such as this Hase-Cara attack and defame the target with the label that he/she is schizo/insane("ama-imo") could invalidate the target/target's acclaims. (This is what I concern the most). Yet this part is just a guess, at this point I do not find any proof but it is really likely.
For those whom I rejected being friends with on facebook.... here the cause lies on. I personally did not care much about exposing and broadcasting my private activity on line, but did not want to involve and harm other's info, even though sensitive or not, when my account or its data has been exploited or compromised. I actually did connected with several of my old friends, but that was simply because I didn't realize that risk when I added them as a new FB friend, or since those people lived far from Tokyo or even Japan. So please do not feel bad about my past rejection, there was reason.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Sunday, December 10, 2017
What is SOLID principle? Explained with the Ruby Example
SOLID principle, along with the GRASP, is often seemingly difficult subject to understand especially for beginners. I just have made the good example using Ruby code.
Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)
SRP means a single class has to have only one reason to change. This means a class needs to be clear such that what it does and what it is responsible for.
def EmployeeInfo
def age; end
def sex; end
def hobby; end
def hobby_name; end
def hobby_type; end
def payment_water; end
def payment_laundry; end
For instance the above Ruby code shows a class, intentionally or not, contains methods which is not that directly related to the class definition. Employee, though it can have hobby, but the hobby detail hobby_name and hobby_type is not directly related. So for instance, if we are going to change hobby_type and if it does effect hobby_name, that causes verbosity since it is the modification of HOBBY. This is just an simple example, but often voilerplate coding enhances too much methods and params in a single class, which makes class hard to read, hard to define what is going on, and such non-modularity is going to harm the entire process if we need to add/modify something in it. This means, the responsibility in each code block is not clear. So I rather do this:
def Employee
def age; end
def sex; end
def hobby
def Hobby
def initialize(key)
@key = key
def name
def type
This case, since Hobby has bunch of its attribute those are specific to that "Hobby" object, now it has been separated as a single class. With this definition, if something inner attribute or function in Hobby object altered, it does not affect Employee anymore, since these two are low-coupled and mutually independent, and connect with each other via the interface.
Open/Closed Principle
Open-Closed Principle is "Open for extension, Closed for modification." For instance,
def Car
def body; end
def tire; end
def shaft; end # stable and less likely to change
def gear; end # stable and less likely to change
This case, we no longer need to expose shaft and gear to public, since these two are already stable and it is less likely that those shaft and gear is going to change so far.
def Car
def body; end
def tire; end
def shaft; end # stable and less likely to change
def gear; end # stable and less likely to change
With this in mind, we can hide which is not necessary to expose for modification. Also, those classes need to be easy to be extended.
def Wagon < Car
def body
def tire
Then just an addition of inherited class realized the requirement of new Wagon, which is the business need. If your codebase is not that open for addition and if all of the components(or non-component) are not clear whether it could be altered or not, developers are going to be messed up.
Liskov Substitution Principle
This is so easy to show an example. Under Liskov Substitution Principle, the parent class and child class (or the classes of the same Level inheriting from the same class, of course) needs to be INTERCHANGEABLE such that those interfaces(I mean, methods and values) are the same. For instance, the class String in Ruby has to_i (in general toInt) method to convert the value's type into integer.
irb> "moomin".to_i
=> 0
irb> 99.to_i
=> 99
irb> 99.99.to_i
=> 100
This is possible since these String, Integer, Float inherit from the same Object class.
Interface Segregation Principle
Just let's look at the example:
def SoftDrink
def sugar; end
def water; end
def can; end
def size; end
So that
def Pepsi < SoftDrink
If the SoftDrink is Pepsi, this makes sense and the class SoftDrink deserves to be its parent class to inherit from. However, how about this???
def NonSugarGreenTea < SoftDrink
def leaves; end
It is obvious that we do not need SUGAR of SoftDrink class to inherit from. This is not nice since NonSugarGreenTea is compelled to have sugar as its interface. Also, if the SoftDrink is not contained in Can but PetBottle, also same issue happens. So:
def SoftDrink
def water; end
def size; end
def Pepsi < SoftDrink
def can
def NonSugarGreenTea < SoftDrink
def leaves; end
def pet_bottle; end
Now intefaces has been segregated and they only potentially have what they only necessary. This is ISP.
Dependency Inversion Principle(DIP)
DIP means Concrete class only should be dependent on the Abstract class and vice versa is not accepted. Since anti-pattern code example explains better, I will show you the bad example below:
def SoftDrink
def some_method
def Pepsi < SoftDrink
def self.omake
Just don't do this shit.
So the SOLID Principle is the main principle such that coders keep its codebase clean, less-couple, and easy to change.
Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)
SRP means a single class has to have only one reason to change. This means a class needs to be clear such that what it does and what it is responsible for.
def EmployeeInfo
def age; end
def sex; end
def hobby; end
def hobby_name; end
def hobby_type; end
def payment_water; end
def payment_laundry; end
For instance the above Ruby code shows a class, intentionally or not, contains methods which is not that directly related to the class definition. Employee, though it can have hobby, but the hobby detail hobby_name and hobby_type is not directly related. So for instance, if we are going to change hobby_type and if it does effect hobby_name, that causes verbosity since it is the modification of HOBBY. This is just an simple example, but often voilerplate coding enhances too much methods and params in a single class, which makes class hard to read, hard to define what is going on, and such non-modularity is going to harm the entire process if we need to add/modify something in it. This means, the responsibility in each code block is not clear. So I rather do this:
def Employee
def age; end
def sex; end
def hobby
def Hobby
def initialize(key)
@key = key
def name
def type
This case, since Hobby has bunch of its attribute those are specific to that "Hobby" object, now it has been separated as a single class. With this definition, if something inner attribute or function in Hobby object altered, it does not affect Employee anymore, since these two are low-coupled and mutually independent, and connect with each other via the interface.
Open/Closed Principle
Open-Closed Principle is "Open for extension, Closed for modification." For instance,
def Car
def body; end
def tire; end
def shaft; end # stable and less likely to change
def gear; end # stable and less likely to change
This case, we no longer need to expose shaft and gear to public, since these two are already stable and it is less likely that those shaft and gear is going to change so far.
def Car
def body; end
def tire; end
def shaft; end # stable and less likely to change
def gear; end # stable and less likely to change
With this in mind, we can hide which is not necessary to expose for modification. Also, those classes need to be easy to be extended.
def Wagon < Car
def body
def tire
Then just an addition of inherited class realized the requirement of new Wagon, which is the business need. If your codebase is not that open for addition and if all of the components(or non-component) are not clear whether it could be altered or not, developers are going to be messed up.
Liskov Substitution Principle
This is so easy to show an example. Under Liskov Substitution Principle, the parent class and child class (or the classes of the same Level inheriting from the same class, of course) needs to be INTERCHANGEABLE such that those interfaces(I mean, methods and values) are the same. For instance, the class String in Ruby has to_i (in general toInt) method to convert the value's type into integer.
irb> "moomin".to_i
=> 0
irb> 99.to_i
=> 99
irb> 99.99.to_i
=> 100
This is possible since these String, Integer, Float inherit from the same Object class.
Interface Segregation Principle
Just let's look at the example:
def SoftDrink
def sugar; end
def water; end
def can; end
def size; end
So that
def Pepsi < SoftDrink
If the SoftDrink is Pepsi, this makes sense and the class SoftDrink deserves to be its parent class to inherit from. However, how about this???
def NonSugarGreenTea < SoftDrink
def leaves; end
It is obvious that we do not need SUGAR of SoftDrink class to inherit from. This is not nice since NonSugarGreenTea is compelled to have sugar as its interface. Also, if the SoftDrink is not contained in Can but PetBottle, also same issue happens. So:
def SoftDrink
def water; end
def size; end
def Pepsi < SoftDrink
def can
def NonSugarGreenTea < SoftDrink
def leaves; end
def pet_bottle; end
Now intefaces has been segregated and they only potentially have what they only necessary. This is ISP.
Dependency Inversion Principle(DIP)
DIP means Concrete class only should be dependent on the Abstract class and vice versa is not accepted. Since anti-pattern code example explains better, I will show you the bad example below:
def SoftDrink
def some_method
def Pepsi < SoftDrink
def self.omake
Just don't do this shit.
So the SOLID Principle is the main principle such that coders keep its codebase clean, less-couple, and easy to change.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Yandex browser is better than Chrome / Firefox
For a long time I was so frustrated by the already existing browsers because they are lacking respect of our privacies. Just think about it: Firefox or Chrome by default remembers your search results and puts your latest search on your new Tab. This is totally disgusting experience for me since if you search for the term "why girls are so nasty" on your laptop owned by your company, what happens is when your boss stops by your laptop and he/she might happen to see your private searches.
I definitely know there is privacy mode but the option is really costly, and just I concluded that current browsers, especially Firefox is too verbose and not that easy to use at least for me.
Then I found the new browser Yandex. Though it is not that popular, but the feature of this browser is much better than current mostly used ones. First, it does scan your downloaded files with the anti-virus software developed by Kaspersky Lab. Also, Yandex is kind of forked version of Chromium, and it improves its performance with deploying partially the feature of Opera. Also, aesthetics. Yandex does provides us minimum, and there are no verbose apparatus, also, the default size of the windows is perfectly fit to your desktop size as you can see as follows:
Voila! and you see the scenery is GIF file and its moving. I think this browser can really boast of its performance because it is FAST. This is just my opinion but there are so many talented and top-level developers in Russia and I believe Yandex is one of the greatest product I have ever used in my life at this point. Is is much cleaner, and combined with the DuckDuckGo engine it can be assured that your personal search history is NEVER going to be tracked by someone.
From the security aspect, Yandex does a lot to protect client from DNS related attack (like spoofing) and encrypts it packets appropriately so that even if your Wifi connection is God Damn WEA still this browser does help you protect that shitty vulnerable connection.
I personally recommend this browser since it is easy to use.
I definitely know there is privacy mode but the option is really costly, and just I concluded that current browsers, especially Firefox is too verbose and not that easy to use at least for me.
Then I found the new browser Yandex. Though it is not that popular, but the feature of this browser is much better than current mostly used ones. First, it does scan your downloaded files with the anti-virus software developed by Kaspersky Lab. Also, Yandex is kind of forked version of Chromium, and it improves its performance with deploying partially the feature of Opera. Also, aesthetics. Yandex does provides us minimum, and there are no verbose apparatus, also, the default size of the windows is perfectly fit to your desktop size as you can see as follows:
Voila! and you see the scenery is GIF file and its moving. I think this browser can really boast of its performance because it is FAST. This is just my opinion but there are so many talented and top-level developers in Russia and I believe Yandex is one of the greatest product I have ever used in my life at this point. Is is much cleaner, and combined with the DuckDuckGo engine it can be assured that your personal search history is NEVER going to be tracked by someone.
From the security aspect, Yandex does a lot to protect client from DNS related attack (like spoofing) and encrypts it packets appropriately so that even if your Wifi connection is God Damn WEA still this browser does help you protect that shitty vulnerable connection.
I personally recommend this browser since it is easy to use.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
Monday, November 27, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Thursday, November 23, 2017
How to clean up your storage in MacOSX?
Mainly, in terminal, you often use
$df -h
Command to show the storage status how much it has been used and the percentage of it.
Yet this does not help you if finding out which exactly the directory contains large portion of memory so that you need to clean it up. In order to do this, in Linux, you can use sort command and pass the result of du output to it, but in MacOSX, first you need to use gsort.
$df -h
Command to show the storage status how much it has been used and the percentage of it.
Yet this does not help you if finding out which exactly the directory contains large portion of memory so that you need to clean it up. In order to do this, in Linux, you can use sort command and pass the result of du output to it, but in MacOSX, first you need to use gsort.
brew install coreutils
du -hs * | gsort -h
It requires your Ruby version after 2.3.1, so if
there are any troubles, please
see the link below and update the Ruby app appropriately.
how to update your Ruby version
Monday, November 20, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Sunday, November 12, 2017
OOP explained -DESIGN -
OOP design has SOLID principle.
- Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
- Open Closed Principle
- Liskov's Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
SRP is so simple. Each class must have only one responsibility for it. Any class should not have more than one responsibility. (For example, Apple class should not have any methods handling Banana)
Open Closed Principle
It means Open for extension and Closed for modification so that you can easily add new main features to it. This is vital aspect since we need to keep high maintainability of our code base.
Liskov's Substitution Principle
Each class of the same level (inheriting from the same abstract class) should be interchangeable.
In Ruby, for instance, something like:
These above belong to totally different types, but even though they are of different classes but shares the same method to_s which enables it to convert to String since their super class Object has it.
Interface Segregation Principle
Each interface should be segregated and should not included the method which is not required to that particular interface.
Dependency Inversion Principle
Abstract class should be in the middle between interfaces, and details relies on abstract but not vice versa. Like:
class Base::Provider
def slice
class Apple::Provider < Base::Provider
def slice
class Banana::Provider < Base::Provider
def slice
def burn
class Controller < ActiveRecord
def create
Something like this. In OOP we should not dispatch directly to each class implementation or, to say, DSL but we need abstract class in the middle and let it dispatch to the detailed polymorphic classes.
- Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
- Open Closed Principle
- Liskov's Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
SRP is so simple. Each class must have only one responsibility for it. Any class should not have more than one responsibility. (For example, Apple class should not have any methods handling Banana)
Open Closed Principle
It means Open for extension and Closed for modification so that you can easily add new main features to it. This is vital aspect since we need to keep high maintainability of our code base.
Liskov's Substitution Principle
Each class of the same level (inheriting from the same abstract class) should be interchangeable.
In Ruby, for instance, something like:
These above belong to totally different types, but even though they are of different classes but shares the same method to_s which enables it to convert to String since their super class Object has it.
Interface Segregation Principle
Each interface should be segregated and should not included the method which is not required to that particular interface.
Dependency Inversion Principle
Abstract class should be in the middle between interfaces, and details relies on abstract but not vice versa. Like:
class Base::Provider
def slice
class Apple::Provider < Base::Provider
def slice
class Banana::Provider < Base::Provider
def slice
def burn
class Controller < ActiveRecord
def create
Something like this. In OOP we should not dispatch directly to each class implementation or, to say, DSL but we need abstract class in the middle and let it dispatch to the detailed polymorphic classes.
OOP explained (1) -CONCEPT-
This article is a summary on the video above.
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is preceded by the Machine Language, Assembly Language, and Procedural Language (like C), and the concept of it is to let it similar as the thing-in-itself in natural environment. We perceive external world as the collection of Objects.
OOP has the following features:
1. Object
2. Class
3. Abstraction
4. Encapsulation
5. Inheritance
6. Polymorphism
1. Object
While procedural language only has global variables and bunch of functions accessing to each of those, this also means that there are no independent entities, just nothing but the pile of chunks. (Even though C has modules)... Relying on global variables is often risky since then variable becomes accessible to which are not supposed to. The concept of Object is that to make it split into a unit easy to understand. On this paradigm everything is regarded as an Object. For instance, EMPOLYEE can be a single object, and it can have the attributes (instance variables) and functions(methods).
2. Class
Class is a template for the Object. Object is, on the other hand the instantiated copy of this class.
For instance,
String x;
This definition means there is Type (String) and variable (x), String is the class template since it is generated only once, but x is the object of String since it is a instantiated variable (copy) of that template. (Singleton is an entity only generated once, accessible from anywhere, seems little bit like a class)
3. Abstraction
In order to define the class, OOP thinks we should not expose what is not necessary, so the number of methods are ABSTRACTED (filtered) just only which is crucial as the part of interface to connect with external something.
4. Encapsulation
Little bit similar to Abstraction (Since only what is necessary as interface should be exposed as public but else should be eliminated from class or be private). For example, vending machine only has button and coin-slot and box to retrieve cans for customers, it is kind of interfaces nevertheless it has so much components inside of it.
5,6 Inheritance, Polymorphism
Child inherits from its parent. Parent should be abstracted as much as possible since all the peculiar detail should be defined and implemented in each child classes. Also, Polymorphism means a single definition of class can be implemented in various ways as its child node. For instance, if the superclass is defined as OS, then we can define each object as MACOSX, MSDOS, UBUNTU, FREEBSD etc....
So these six are main concepts of the OOP. In the next article, I would like to introduce the SOLID principle.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
The nursery robot and its development
The development and deploying the Nursery Robot is the top priority taking the current demographic situation in the developed nation in to account. Yet in Japan Government and private company, are trying to launch the project off the point. We need to take the approach to solve this issue from the following viewpoints:
How to physically assist the target in the following:
- wake up from the bed
- bring up from the bed and let & keep him/her stand
- how to let him/her walk
- how to let them walk to the toilet
- take off the pants
- sit down on the toilet
- the support of him/her to deal with the excrement, wipe it out and wash
- take on the pants
- get out of the toilet
- Bath
- {similar procedures}
- Eatings
- {similar procedures}
The labors which caregivers do could be broke down into these imperative process, and each single procedure needs to be implemented, with the safety taken into account.
This at least requires the following:
- Interface such as:
- visual sensor device to grasp the target
- feature to recognize the "excrement"
- audio device (Siri or something) to accept the command input
- arms and legs to physically support the target
- Network interface (or backdoor) to accept the OS / app updates to fix bugs or apply additional features or the external data as part of the machine learning or analysis.
- ....
The thing is average Japanese are not that smart enough to do the STUPID attempts as I stated above. Maybe foreigners could launch some venture project to achieve this and I will promise that the company make a lot of money in the developed nation which suffers from excessive amount of old people.
We immediately need to study and apply IoT and AI related technology to solve this nursery related issue because this could hinder us the potential labor force contribute fully to our society.
To make excuse for just screaming Safety can deprive us of any innovation opportunity to drastically solve the current social problem.
For instance, the image above does reduce the pain of caregivers since the robot is going to grasp the target and let him/her sit down and bring to the target location. The crucial implementation is sensor and AI related thing(and detailed mechanism how each finger works appropriately). The shower included since sometimes we need to clean the testicles/vagina of the target.
We have to deprive every single human labor of the caregivers.
How to physically assist the target in the following:
- wake up from the bed
- bring up from the bed and let & keep him/her stand
- how to let him/her walk
- how to let them walk to the toilet
- take off the pants
- sit down on the toilet
- the support of him/her to deal with the excrement, wipe it out and wash
- take on the pants
- get out of the toilet
- Bath
- {similar procedures}
- Eatings
- {similar procedures}
The labors which caregivers do could be broke down into these imperative process, and each single procedure needs to be implemented, with the safety taken into account.
This at least requires the following:
- Interface such as:
- visual sensor device to grasp the target
- feature to recognize the "excrement"
- audio device (Siri or something) to accept the command input
- arms and legs to physically support the target
- Network interface (or backdoor) to accept the OS / app updates to fix bugs or apply additional features or the external data as part of the machine learning or analysis.
- ....
The thing is average Japanese are not that smart enough to do the STUPID attempts as I stated above. Maybe foreigners could launch some venture project to achieve this and I will promise that the company make a lot of money in the developed nation which suffers from excessive amount of old people.
We immediately need to study and apply IoT and AI related technology to solve this nursery related issue because this could hinder us the potential labor force contribute fully to our society.
To make excuse for just screaming Safety can deprive us of any innovation opportunity to drastically solve the current social problem.
For instance, the image above does reduce the pain of caregivers since the robot is going to grasp the target and let him/her sit down and bring to the target location. The crucial implementation is sensor and AI related thing(and detailed mechanism how each finger works appropriately). The shower included since sometimes we need to clean the testicles/vagina of the target.
We have to deprive every single human labor of the caregivers.
I have re-arranged my past song "Garan"
I recently am into remixing my past songs, which is on the LogicX repository, and altering the instruments and find out the better way of expressing and integrating the individual tracks are really good experience for me. Garan is composed in the concept to design the Buddhist Temple, originally it refers to 伽藍堂(Garan Do).
What we need here is the appropriate EQ which make the non-drum related instruments clear and strong, but not the excessive enough to let it in good order. And of course you need to modify the pitch if it may contribute to the air of the song composition.
Hope people enjoy my song.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
- 楽器(DTMのインストルメントのこと) によっては倍音がごちゃ混ぜになることでネタに奥ゆかしさを出せること
- リバーブは諸刃の剣で、場合によってはヒップホップらしさがなくなるので、バランスが必要
- 声を、メインの外のコーラスのピッチを若干だけずらすことで(そしてメインは買えない)ちょっと、声が盛れるということ
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
1. B to B ... DJやラッパーへのトラック、楽曲、アカペラの提供 (bandcamp)
2. B to C ... 楽曲の販売、漫画の配信及び販売
3. (余力あれば)本の執筆、販売
4. デベロッパー
ここ5年ほど 1. 2. 4 を同時並行でやっていて、 (2.) が1か月単位の売り上げでようやくスズメのうんこほどになった感じである
2. B to C ... 楽曲の販売、漫画の配信及び販売
3. (余力あれば)本の執筆、販売
4. デベロッパー
ここ5年ほど 1. 2. 4 を同時並行でやっていて、 (2.) が1か月単位の売り上げでようやくスズメのうんこほどになった感じである
この番組では、安倍晋三に7、8割喋らせて、一人の司会者がそれぞれの メンバーの意見を聞いたり議論させたりすべきだったが、狂言回し的な存在、すなわち、司会になるべき人間が司会をせずにひたすらしゃべりまくり、司会として機能していない。
「こんな偉大な文学者が」という副詞でその人間のイデオロギーや 考えを普遍化しようとするのもおかしい。
徹さん、 徹子さんは基本人の話を聴く側に回りますよ
徹さんは自分の話したいことをくっちゃべりすぎ しらける
だが、 理路整然としていない煽るだけのよくわからない2chの連投コピペみたいな報道には気持ち悪さを感じる
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Friday, October 27, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017
Sunday, October 22, 2017
菅野契 - キッチンブリーチ
遥か彼方に幸せも遠く 常に7割のコップにまた注ぐ
人生ハードモードでクソみてーな馬券握った それがスタート
裏も表もない毎日が足かせだ 恥かけば怒り後悔だけさ老害だけがはばかる
アラカルト、愛はない虚栄だけ 薄い繋がり 暗がりにて
連行して結局エンコード 先公も今じゃサービス業 親がそうした
どうにか首の皮 でも霧と雲りなら 生きてる実感より死んでる、歩いて
悪意で満ちてるこの街のほとり 灰色がかったガラス越しに
みてる街は単調だな、壇上から方法論 10時消灯 現実より逃亡
欲望と冷たい心の溢れかえったマゼンタ イキリながら右から連鎖
自己顕示欲を発散する手段として幼稚 どうしよもないクセェ凡人
兄弟で消火栓吹きかけられた思い出 どこにでも
いるクソ以下の人間 真剣に生きることを忘れた低スペックな
嫌悪と中傷と勘繰りが悲しい いつも他人に求めているばかり
篝火、浅い知識、最低な捨て方をした あいつみたいに
何度繋がっても満たされない 地獄を繰り返すだけ
目移りと裏切り 素朴な奴らの足元にも及ばない
TVつければ、みんなでこき下ろし 殺しそうなほどに
ニュース見れば 子供を買って傷つけて脅す冷酷なやつ
みんなが孤独 休まらない ケータイ凝視 草木がない
意見すらも言えない 違うことを言えば吊るし上げ
考えが古いだけ居座り 静かに若い芽を潰す愚かさと弱さに煮詰まり
消えちまった好奇心 それでいいか本当に?
正直、もう死人、見栄だけで大道闊歩 内容ないぞ 何をしたい?
連日いじめ 虐待放置 見ず知らずのホーミー
ヒカルとVAL?知らねーしばくぞカス 炎上で犯罪正当化し美学もなく
イスラム侮辱して罪を着せ 人間としてどうかしてるぜ
なぜかそう 関係ない人を傷つけて 正義ヅラ? それは善意っすか?
陰湿で男らしくねえ 群がらなきゃ正体を隠さなきゃ
モラルも今日びない もう見ない 黒ずんだ眼とかもよ、
許しのないヘドロのような 世界で倦怠期全体に 見栄と詮索
攻撃的で冷たい 触れ合いのない世界 地獄に滴るザーメン
僕らは消費してめまぐるしく地獄の中を歩く ただの奴隷か?
処刑さ、人身御供責めるだけ あげて落とすため殺すだけ 誰も表に出ず
騒いで問題化 洗脳してこき下ろし パイプがネタにする
引き摺り下ろす装置だけの暴走 NOを言わず言い出しっぺ逃走
エフェクトかけなきゃ人というより汚物 座談会infoが唯一の好物 人生はつんでる
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential patch
apt-get install -y ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev
apt-get install -y git-core
git clone
cd nokogiri
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake test
sudo gem install nokogiri
Monday, October 9, 2017
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Dockerを立ち上げた時に次のようなエラーが出る場合: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
デフォルトだとRailsはlocalhostに接続しているんだけど、これは localhostだから Public IPでは見れない。
-bのくだりは アドレスなんでもいいよ的な指定をしている
rails server -e development -b -p 3000
あとは、 AWS であれば Security Groupsあたりの設定をしっかりしていれば特に問題はないはず
普段の開発では localhostで問題ないうえ、ステージングや本番の環境は devops に任せきりなので、自分でスクラッチビルドして初めて気づいたの巻....
-bのくだりは アドレスなんでもいいよ的な指定をしている
rails server -e development -b -p 3000
あとは、 AWS であれば Security Groupsあたりの設定をしっかりしていれば特に問題はないはず
普段の開発では localhostで問題ないうえ、ステージングや本番の環境は devops に任せきりなので、自分でスクラッチビルドして初めて気づいたの巻....
Monday, September 18, 2017
Friday, September 8, 2017
Thursday, August 31, 2017
ノリアキLIVE - 「unstoppable」&「デビュー」@早稲田祭 (2006年11月4日)
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
I hate golang
I am terribly sorry but I now am a hater of Golang.
It is not that easy to use because the type conversion (from random object to string etc....) is not supported, also, there are no functions corresponding to the collection handling (map, reduce, filter).
So when I'm coding in the language I feel like coding in C, in order to make you code concise always re-implementing the functions which already exist in the other languages (mainstream like Ruby, Python etc...).
I now am totally fucked up with this language, it is completely verbose, even though I am not that familiar with the performance details except the only advantage I know of in Go is of its concurrency.
If you are really good at the Go coding and know how to deal with the situation I am facing with, please contact me
I need your help. At least at this point, I dislike this language because of the syntax issues.
It is not that easy to use because the type conversion (from random object to string etc....) is not supported, also, there are no functions corresponding to the collection handling (map, reduce, filter).
So when I'm coding in the language I feel like coding in C, in order to make you code concise always re-implementing the functions which already exist in the other languages (mainstream like Ruby, Python etc...).
I now am totally fucked up with this language, it is completely verbose, even though I am not that familiar with the performance details except the only advantage I know of in Go is of its concurrency.
If you are really good at the Go coding and know how to deal with the situation I am facing with, please contact me
I need your help. At least at this point, I dislike this language because of the syntax issues.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
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