Monday, December 18, 2017

Government needs to invest in AI/IoT to rescue the aging society.

  I would have to persistently address that the government has to invest in the nursery automation industry(NAI).  It is crucial since the ratio of elderly people are increasing, i.e. if no enough action has been taken, the productivity of the entire society would decrease.
  My point is, as a solution to this demographic reduction issue, we need to utilize engineering skills, which many old-fashioned Japanese entrepreneurs regard it as non-sequitur. In order to realize this the government needs to invest in the market or universities which does R&D on this area. Investment in NAI is really important. The result of this area also can be applied to helping the people with disabilities.
  One by one, gradually as an agile methodology each machine needs to be implemented and released. Those requirement needs to be enlisted, and going to be developed one by one.

- Excrement Evacuation and Cleansing Engine
- Body Washing Engine
- Action Support Engine
  - Walk Support Engine
  - Eat Support Engine

These, as far as I know the current industry status, is not yet fully defined as B to C requirement. The market needs to develop those and it deserves to be fully invested since this can reduce the amount of labor currently people around (40 - 60) are engaged in. Not a few portion of people are forced to quit their job since they need to take care of their parents(介護離職). The waste of time for this non-productive work deprives society of its productivity and discourages young people marrying with their partners.

Also, in addition, we need to invest in the AI/IoT-based technology to detect the irregularity of the resident who lives in an apartment alone, such that since as soon as the device detects the irregular status of the resident, it alerts the landlord or another third-party vendors and visit the room before he/she has been dead for a weak and decomposition occurs, which could be expected more in the next decades.

Anyway, governments esp. in the developed countries needs to focus on this topic and never be distracted by OLD-FASHIONNESS or OLD-PEOPLE's-HMMMM-THIS-IS-NONSENSE stuff since we do not want any more 311 TEPCO disaster. What we need is the flexible and seemingly stupid idea of young generation, in which the solution to the problem youngsta facing with.

Invention and innovation always change the world and its status quo.

Does LDP work for this? Or we need another party?

NOTE: the most important thing is, not such as Naoto Kan, infamous for rejecting the foreign aid, there needs the international cooperations in order to develop those devices efficiently. We need to enhance engineers or entrepreneurs of multiple countries and tackle with this nursery function implementations. And finally our goal is get rid of caregiver's job. This also is partially benefitial to them since their amount of work reduced and they can focus on more productive activities rather than fighting with the excrements.

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