Saturday, January 30, 2021





Friday, January 22, 2021

On the `Upside of Stress`

 Now I've read almost half of the 'Upside of Stress', written by Kelly McGonial. Her book became the worldwide best seller, and I saw Japanese translation of this book in the bookstore nearby, and bought the original one on e-Bay.

Still not figuring out the entire book but would like to write my reaction at this point.

It is interesting yet cannot fully grasp this way of recognizing stress is really correct or not. In my understandings the `stress`, itself is not the only factor which appears in front of the perception of individuals but it is a concocted entity with... such as `humiliation`, `physical threat`, et cetra.

For many trivial `stressful` scenes, as she described, the stress can work better and improve your compassion(oxytocin) and might be able to grow people up... but my concern was more taproot ones, such as the mental abuse, humiliation, etc. In many cases, for example the situation such as people being subject to the harassment which can contain the verbal abuse, humiliation could demolish the self-esteem of the individual. Often, the conservative society criminalize the guy who say what he/she thinks directly. Such splendid opinion could be a threat to the already existing community such that he/she is blatantly humiliated and under attack to the degree that the guy is completely discouraged to say something he thinks right.

The high mortality rate, in the long history, such as the exploitation of the kids in 17th centuries or slavery, any sort of exploitation on individuals DID strengthen or, it also could be thought as the procedure of the selection, which means the devastating stress which actually harmed people, killed and harmed so many individuals but only the people who endured it survived.

Let me remind you of the Trump family. Fred was definitely a sociopath and abused his children with indifference and verbal attacks to humiliate them, especially when they ask for mercy and love. The older son Freddy, who was treated as (even by his younger brother Donald) as worthless BLACKSHEEP, who was addicted to liquor and went mad, for instance laughing and pointing gun at his former wife. It was insane but Freddy was the most generous boy in the family. The abuse of his father just crushed his personality.

On the other hand Donald was a good example who strengthen himself (or optimized himself) to this continuous stress and abuse. He learned how to lie, how to deceive others and how to show himself strong, how to abuse others (be a killer). So the reaction to the stress was to get rid of his compassion.

So this is my point of view but, of course we biologically are subject to the placebo effect such that if we believe in that `okay if this external stress was not really harmful but it is benefitial to us` can work better, however, at the same time human is not that strong. If he is publicly humiliated, his self esteem is at stake and it means it is going to bring any psycological damage to him.

Therefore, there might have to be another factor to think of, to convert the stress to the benefits. This is, I think first to learn to fight back or to learn to cope with the society, even though you never forget the fact that you have once been humiliated. This cannot be productive but this is also fine.

Also, you can redirect the humiliation, as a form of violence to something else. Maybe you can do boxing or watch gang film, eat a lot (self destructive though), or put those frustration into music, picture, poem, writings, or any other form. I think people can cope with stress to fight back to it in any way, or, keep distance is also the important behavior to protect your health.

Probably, also you can find someone whom you can look down on on TV or in your real life... so my point is how to cope with the stress or external threat, humiliation, etc, cannot be always CLEAN, and I think this is sort of the human nature. This is part of the biggest factor of comedy, such as some people watching the bum fight or laugh out on the comedians acting stupid and humiliating himself.

This could be existential problem human being is facing with. Some people are positive, some people are not. Non positive people also can be productive in society in some sort, if he/she can use that stigma into art or something.

Or, maybe the history tells you that religion functions well for this, probably more than the psychology, for example, Christianity tells you to forgive others, `Lord, forgive our sin as well as we forgave others` implies the fact that forgiving (get out of bitch) reduces the stress and stigma caused by the grudge (this, as Psalm describes can contain humiliation as well). The fact that people. for thousands of years suffered from the threat or humiliation means that you are not alone, which might bit helps people black sheeped to be incarcerated in their low(ered) self esteem. Definitely, you are not alone... and mostly outliers are under attack but it does not mean that outliers deserves to be humiliated because not being outliers mean you are nothing but the boring standard deviation.

Buddhism's approach is uniquely different since it teaches you to turn off your ego and subsequently your perception, emotion(al upset), et cetra. The christianity teaches you to rely on the sovereign God (or thing-in-itself) and to some extent change the world relying on the divine will, but on the other hand the eastern religion tells you to be NONE (VOID). If you succeeded to be NONE then you are free from feeling anything, which also includes the suffering. (Octal Agony).

Humans are weak as existence and therefore they, in the long history found out that (to speak in secular) religious belief benefits and saves a lot of suffering individuals from the purgatory.

Also religion can have function to serve you the community in which, completely different from the capitalist context, are not required to be productive in general, so that you are going to be accepted just for you being there (at least in theory).

Of course since those religious community is also run by the people (who supposed to believe in the religious protocol), it is not that rare that people joined there are disappointed by the reality, corruption, nasty things in these community.

Actually I was disappointed my dad's, but saved by the one whom I thought I can respect.

Yeah... just a random thought.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

on 'a priori'

Sometimes I wonder about the terms a priori and a posteriori,  both of which stands originally for the philosophical term created by Immanuel Kant (and I believe it is in Critique of the Pure Reason).

To describe my personal experience with regard to these terms, I tend to rely on a priori,  which could diminish the original meaning of the term but if it is paraphrased as 'the insight/conclusion induced from any sort of reasoning, irrelevant to the knowledge or experience', then it can be articulated that I relied too much on a priori and underestimated a posteriori

For instance as a developer, in several startups (it is almost more than several years ago but), I was totally immature such that read a few technical books (mainly read ordinary books. though) and thought I could get over any complicated issues. One of my biggest sin is I did not spend my private time learning tech stuff, indifferent to the news or politics (or had interest in really limited or skewed way), though was overly confident that 'I can conclude/decide anything'. So in short I judged things which i didn't have any idea. This was totally ignorance, yet could be taken as sort of a priori,  since the engine or mindset to make me conclude things on any subject, whether it is technical stuff or not, was coming from the logics or anything I got in my university education.

I knew how to reason.

It made me much better than the people who judges things or people with poor reasoning skills, but still this a priori caused harm on my intelligence and therefore, my productivity as well. Though I learned a lot about coding, and its philosophy, devops things, part of Haskell(purescript),  Unix, GPG, et cetra, my learning curve presumably looked poor and I could blame myself that time. I always felt anxious, feel inferior, compared with the hacker kids or genious I worked with who are much much younger than me, also, in Hacker News meetups or any international dev meetings, my lack of knowledge on any tech subjects (or more business level) elicited contempt from anyone I met with.

I was really immature at those days. Partially it was, at that time in my mindset the notion that 'I wanted to be an artist(cartoonist). This is not my job. I, since my childhood was not good at understanding people's conversation and language processing, I drew pics and created music, so this job is not what I really wanted to do...' or any kind of excuse to justify my current misery. Yet, most of the time it did not work. As of now, I am confident in my developer skills as well as that of art. If any of you who is not confident in their performance, if you keep doing it and suffer enough, you definitely can get skill.

Of course, in my almost decade developer career, I saw tons of incompetent workers. But let me skip the precise description on them since it is off the topic, but it meant (at least I observe) I functioned well. I finished a lot of big projects. 

So in most of the cases, we do not need to humiliate ourselves but still, the undermining the importance of  `knowledge` is fatal to your productivity and also the QOL. Except in some really exceptional cases in which community anyone arounds you accepts who you are with who you are, usually you are judged by your ability, skills, or the ability to exaggerate your value. Usually most of the incompetent guys achieve this goal by humiliating/threatening others. (I saw many of these people in my decade career).

So the survival strategy, almost in 90% of the cases is how much you spent your time studying new things. Books are the easiest way to achieve the credible sources, rather than that of the Internet since Internet is the aggregation of fractions of trustworthy and untrustworthy data, the way how these comes into your sight is not according to how worthy/qualitative these information is, but how you are targeted by the vicious corporations (something like the crappy YouTube commercial (esp. in Japan) trying to sell you the garbage books written by garbage authors promoted by garbage people contaminates the Internet platform so in the totalitarian regime they should be absolutely executed for the public good) and economical gain, supported by the platform which don't give any shit about the benefit of users.

So, in the 21st century, the intelligence relies on a priori is almost a sin, and you can be ignorant person being exploited by corporation, with the digital profiling backed by machine learning algorithms.

We need more `a posteriori`, need more diverse `credible` sources, need to contact and communicate groups of people before alienating and antagonizing them, need to collect (non twisted) multiple data to conclude or have any opinion on anything.

In any gigantic online platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook Twitter, 4CH, Yahoo news's comments, you see tons of  retarded people speak out nonsense discloses how they don't learned things in their entire life. And people who does not deserve to speak out also have an opportunity to speak out, which caused so many online bullying such as Hana Kimura's suicidal death, even though partially it was the responsibility of the media who agitated, but the online platform must not allow non intelligent people have effect on others, which is not good for the public. (It is toxic and devastating).


Jan 20 is the historical day that online gang-banging to brainwash the people does not work. Mostly we saw that many crappy a-priori combined with reek a-posteriori amplified and spread fake news drove Q-Anon or any other idiots to try insurgencies, as Russia wanted, failed.

Hope democrats to tackle with especially on global warming, stopping `egoism` pandemic which can agitate the third world war. Discrediting Joe Biden campaign ended with the miserable failure. Rest in Peace FOX news, and the alt right's acclaim that `Hey, liberals are hypocrite` does not work since justifying sabotage on Paris Treaty or racism is 100 times worse than hypocrisy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021




集合 U がある。(U > 0)

集合 U に属している個体Aがある (A ∈ U)

集合 U に属している集合Bがある (B ∈ U)

集合 U に属している残りの集合Cがある (C ∈ U, U - (B + A) = C)


個体Aが属性Dであった ( A.p == D, p = property )

ときに、通常は B.p == D, C.p == D とはそのまま導き出すことはできない。



A.p → U.p とはならないし、ゆえに

A.p → B.p ともならない。



アルカイダの数人(B)が、9.11テロ(D)を起こした (B.p == D)


イスラム(U)って、テロの犯罪者(D')だね (U.p == D' : D ~ D')



スーパーフリーの和田さん(B)が、性犯罪(D)を犯した (B.p == D)

早稲田(U)って、やばい(D')ね (U.p == D' : D ~ D')

おまえ早稲田なの?(A) やばい(D')ね (A.p == D' : D ~ D')


ある黒人(B)が、暴力を(D)を犯した動画がSNSで流れてきた (B.p == D)

これだから黒人(U)って、差別されてもしょうがないって思っちゃう(D')ね (U.p == D' : D ~ D')


中国共産党(B)が、国家総動員法(D)を作った (B.p == D)

日本にいる中国人(U)って、雇ったらだめだ(D')よね (U.p == D' : D ~ D')



SNSの動画のバイデン(B)が、ハレンチな行為をしている(D) (B.p == D)

バイデン(U)って、大統領にしちゃダメ(D')よね (U.p == D' : D ~ D')

(B... SNSの動画だけ切り取っていて、ニュースもその他書籍も資料も一切当たっていない、最悪、英語一切できない)

(U... 多くの人間がバイデンに投票した理由であるところのバイデン(政策含め))



宗教(U) は 弱い人間がやる(D)ものなのか?


弱い人間(B)にとって、宗教はよすがである(D')。(B.p == D')


精神疾患を発症している人(X)は、脆弱な状態にある(=弱い)(B') (X.p == B')

精神疾患を発症していない人(Y)は、比較的強い状態(N)である(=強い) Y.p = N


宗教をする人(U)は、全員精神疾患を患っているか(X)について、(U ∈ X ~ B)

Y ∈ D' が成立するので(Obamaは?Trump(福音派キリスト教)は?瀬戸内寂聴は?フリードリヒ二世は?アメリカ建国の父は?リンカーンは?靖国神社の職員は?)


弱い人間にとって宗教は支えである。(B.p == D')


また、世界には 「強い人間と」「弱い人間」があるわけではなく、





Sometimes creating your own compiler (a.k.a sort of parser) helps you solve nasty bug which compiler does not catch.

Today I developed a software in which tons of data fields are going to be added.  Usually, compiler does catch your fatal logical error (such as calling the method not defined in specific class object).

However, Groovy language is often tricky since it is implemented semi-type-based (and semi-script).

This means, it compiles even though it is not legitimate in  coding level (and even in python or any other normal language, the compilation error must be raised). For instance,

enum SomeGroovy {

ELEM1(ClassA.class, "method1"),

ELEM2(ClassA.class, "method2"),


ELEMk(ClassA.class, "methodk"),

ELEMk+1(ClassA.class, "methodk+1"),



and this class is almost totally 400-500 lines long, filled with this convoluted enum element fields.

The other program calls this class with (I believe it is) reflection of something, and set the SomeGroovy's each enum elements with each ClassA.methodX is filled in as instances.


One day I found Groovy raises the following error:

tons of java stacks....

the class SomeGroovy cannot be initialized.

What the hell? I tested `grails compile` and there is no compilation error, but somehow this happens.

Since my feature branch changes dozens of files (since those are dependent each other), I thought the postmortem on this should be appropriately managed with Git operation as:

$ git diff --name-only develop | tee

then, edited such that

git checkout develop file1

git checkout develop file2

git checkout develop file3

git checkout develop file4


to make it purely as same as that of develop branch, at the same time you can find out which files you've reverted with git status command, then recover each file one by one, running test (which failed) per each.

then, I found out that SomeGroovy enum class is the culprit of this entire mess, yet still it was so hard to detect the cause because the stack trace, error message, does not show nothing.

Okay, then we can conclude that:

Groovy compiler SUCKS. 

and this is the only complaint, and devs ends with complaining is not tech savvy, nothing but incompetent issue consumer.

So I thought:

Okay, then let's make a semi-compiler for this SomeGroovy enum class.

I create the compiler script as follows: (it doesn't implement no algorithm, no Graph algorithm is included, just a miniature crap, so do not compare it with any other compiler as gcc or sth).

Let me obfuscate the code bit for I don't want to disclose no company specific ones:


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys 

import re

file = "/something/ClassA.groovy"

f = open(file, 'r')

lines =

xs = []

for x in lines.split('\n'):

    x = x.replace("/", "").strip()


        xs.append([x.strip() for x in x.split(' ') if x != ''][1])

file = 'something/SomeGroovy.groovy'

f = open(file, 'r')

lines =

ys = []

yes = []

no  = []

for x in lines.split('\n'):


        x = x.replace("/", "").strip()

        ys = [[y.replace('"', "").strip().replace(")", "").replace('.class', '') for y in x.strip().split(',') if y != ''] for x in x.split('(') if x != ''][1]

        if(ys[0] == 'FixedData'):

            if(ys[1] in xs):




for y in yes:

    print(f"YES: {y}")

for y in no:

    print(f"NONE: {y}")



this code has sort of duplication and the verbosity is nasty but I don't care. This is an improviso and nothing but an auxiliary script.

But impact of this script is huge!

Once I run this script, I saw that:

YES: method1

YES: method2

YES: method3

YES: method4


NO: method(k)

NO: method(k+1)

then you found out the culprit. Once I commented out the NO's part in the enum file, regression fixed!!!



Coding in IDE is fancy, but it at the same time it makes people bit difficult to summon various

languages and make tiny scripts to make your life easier. Especially for Perl, Python or even Ruby,

 these script can help you write an easy script to supplement the crappy compiler which never catches the fatal language-logic level error. Since in middle-sized or mega IT corporation there is already politics there, and almost it is impossible for you to change nothing. But, there are always the way to get along with it. (Oh, this is why startups are always comfortable for the high performer!!!)

Monday, January 18, 2021






























































