Sunday, December 13, 2020

On Noam Chomsky's 'Who Rules the World?'

Yesterday I finished reading the book named 'Who Rules the World?' written by Noam Chomsky who I recall one of the most impactful philosopher, chiefly called 'Chomsky Left', in United States of America.

Probably for the third world guy like me (I'm from Japan) it is not that appropriate to appraise the liberals/leftists on the other country because it can strengthen often bias for the country you want to demonize, and for the foreigner like me it can be the help of deepening the prejudice to the target country. The best approach to grasp overseas is just refer to both the left and right opinions since it can give more vivid idea (with relatively less bias) what the nation is about.

Such that in my position, it is highly evident that the scope of this article is not to demonize specific country but just dive deeper into a dark side of the subject. In his articles, what impressed me the most is:

1. JFK has been assasinated as a result of his administration's attempt to assasinate Fidel Castro (Operation racoon?)

2. Oslo accord is almost unilateral, and an Norwegian (as I recall) observes, that procedure is almost the reflection of Israeli & U.S demands with the concession of the Palestine states.

3. The terrorism and internal violence skylocketed AFTER the Iraq war, which killed/evacuated tons of people from their home country.

4. The current immigrant issue in Europe is caused by European nations themselves, as a result of their invasion and aggression in the Middle East/Africa.

5. The Cold War and Cuban Missle Crisis, which increased tensions between Soviet Union and the United States, is triggered by U.S's allocation of its fatal nuclear weapon in Turkey and the fatal situation ended because at that time the Russians(Stanislav Petrov) responsible for the attack rejected the order of their commander and refrained from attacking the U.S with the nuclear missile.

At this point what the Western and U.S (and it's allies aka puppy like Japan and South Korea), chiefly via the mainstram media view the China and Russia as a biggest threat and concern for the international security. And partially it could be true for us, since geopolitically there is always tensions, and recent Chinese policy looks pretty confident and agressive, at least from Japanese viewpoint. So, in short, they are 'Bad Guys trying to offend us'.

But this also, from another viewpoint, is not fair because we ignore the atrocities of Japanese Imperial Army (which our revisionists denies as a cult religion belief), also the atrocity in Gaza and Westbank. U.S supported, according to Chomsky the aggression of Israel, who randomly killed Palestinian kids and civilians. Israel repeatedly violated the Oslo accords which promises that West Bank and Gaza is not going to be separated but they didn't abide by the rule and tries to incarcerate Palestinians. They attacked the power plant, water supply, crops, et cetra to suffocate Palestinians. Hamas, from the west view is regarded as the terrorist group but how you react if your people are OFFICIALY massacred and the land is illegally exploited, invaded, and if there is the power disparity how you can confront to the reality? Free election? The United States and some of its western allies criminalized the 'freely elected government' and tried to assasinate the leader if it does not satisfy their needs.

The image of 'Justice America save the world' is nothing but the twisted religious propaganda, and the reality is there are too many victims harrassed and assaulted by the U.S government and its foreign policy. In the Bush administration they started the wrong war as a reaction to the 9.11. After 9.11 they acclaims that they are only victims but U.S. killed millions of people in the third world, which is 'not the big deal'.

After the Perl Harbour, U.S public view (as I recognize) is 'Japs attacked and killed our good soldiers, so we retaliated': to kill millions of civilians, mothers, kids. They dropped the atomic bomb. twice. In the TV series Heroes, there is a saying that 'We dropped nuclear bombs in Hiroshima in order to stop the war'. 

Absolutely Nope. This is their REVISIONIST view as ugly as Japanese conservatives say "There have been no comfort woman".

The mass murder of civilians, and such a gigantic crime to humanity, if you accept is you cannot put up with it so you psycologically justify yourself or subconsciously there is an assumption that the target you killed is 'subhuman'.

To be honest, in my personal view, it is 21st century so it is no use blaming Truman and being morally superior does not produce nothing, it bothers the constructive relationship, that is okay.

And it is not the issue only for America. Chomsky raises this issue in U.S. but it is our problem. In our country, partially via the hacking of the SNS and microtargetted campaign, combined with the ML and big data, we are remotely controlled and agitated, mobilized by the government and the government is largelly controlled (or at least affected by the gigantic private corporations). We all need to keep an eye on the radical patriots aka self-justifying racists who easily vindicate their own crimes and tries to accuse others of theirs.

The current outcome of middle east is nothing but the tragedy, and in Africa as well, plus, especially between the relationship with South Korea and Japan, on the 'Takeshima(Dogdo)' issue, the intrinsic issue here is the Yi-Soon-Mang Line, which was drawn (presumably by Korea but) it means by the U.S. (How can he draw such line without the permisson of the United States?). The line definitely caused the abhorrent national conflicts and hatred, but who profits the most when Koreans and Japanese hate together is the United States. As U.K did it in the middle east or everywhere in the Africa, that artificial line, contributed to local asians to hate each other and forget who is behind this. (easy, easy to control)

Unfortunately, for Japan at this point there is no other option than following the U.S government, the 'Powerful good guy' and we really need to be carefully not being demonized by this Good guy who did tons of crimes overseas.

Yet Japanese conservatives also can be a 'Good guy who kills thousands foreigners overseas', so we need to monitor these people and stop them once they got power.

The Chomsky's view on the Trump is really making sense, he and republicans are too much ignorant on the environmental issue, which is critical to our life/death issue. At the same time, he notes that the tension between Russia is alleviated because of him. However, as seen in the C.A. and Christopher Wyllie's disclosures of the internal documents, Russian agents, working with C.A using Facebook manipulated (brainwashed) its people to vote for the Trump. 

Now Joe Biden is the new President, probably the international mess is going to be better but on the other hand as we've seen in the Obama administration, may be for the North Korea or any other middle eastern nation like Iran/Iraq, may be there could be a fear since they are going to be more radicalized in order to kill the opponent. (drone assasination etc...)

Anyway, his works made me learn a lot of things about U.S. (and no offense, I repsect U.S, this is the bottom line) and realized that how the view we daily see is unilateral, one sided viewpoiont.

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