Thursday, November 26, 2020

For the inappropriate police force against racial minorities

This morning the new headline came up that Paris police being suspended for beating a music producer, who is of African decent.

It definitely is unbearable and obvious that hostility to the racial minority, and excessive violence harmed him, which is really inappropriate in the matured society.

Let me keep the above bottom line all of us must agree, then I would like to analyze this issue further.

Why the violence escalated?

1. French police's hostility/discrimination towards black people drove them to justify they can 'beat' him.

2. French police's education system, how to handle the target individual. 

3. The black man resisted.

The former two is for further discussion on how to reform the police institution to stop this tragedy again. The last one is for survival strategy for the racial/ethnic minorities, who is easy to be exposed to the hosting country's prejudice and demonization.

1. Hostility and Discrimination

It actually is not only westerner's (or white's) problem, but the common problem of human race. So here would like to accuse the discriminatory human nature, not French majority or westerners. Presumably, human is nasty creature who has prejudice. For example, Japanese society tends to host some radical people who looks down on people of Korean/Chinese decent, and there was a long abhorrent history of treating them as subhuman, which includes actual physical violence or systematic racism. Yet this is part of Japanese dark side, many people in Japan have good relationship with these minorities. For instance me and my current boss personally hire engineers regardless of its race, because what matters most is their capacity. If there is a clever foreigner and incompetent Japanese, definitely we hire the former. If both are competent, of course we hire both. 

So especially we cannot divide the discriminatory nature per nation. French police is not an exception, US, China, Japan as well. In nature (if there are no structural or legal/organizational bindings) they are going to be harsh on the minorities, which we need to fight globally. Hostility and discrimination can only be solved with education, this requires patience. If minority goes mad and tries to attack the police, then it means the minority gives the reason to attack them. Especially (sorry but) police officer is blue color job and they are not that educated as intellectuals. On the one hand they can help citizens, but on the other hand they easily abuse their power. 

The necessary steps is to reform the police institution to enforce the policy to [block] the racism on the daily basis, even the tiny one. This is not totalitarian rule but this means if the tiny bit of hate/racism is left alive, it is going to be accumulated (as culture or mindset) and in my opinion the tragedy this time for harming the black producer is the result of this accumulation. 

2. Police's Education system

First, police is the job to use power. If you abuse power, you are weak. If you imprison the young girl only for what she speaks out, it means the entity are really intimidated by the girl. If you beat blacks it means they innately fear blacks. And the power easily tends to be corrupted. 

Therefore, the police of the mature nation, must be strong, means it must control its power strictly. This time, the usage of power (persistent punch on his face etc...) is unnecessary. Those French guys were really coward because they need to do that to stop only a single black man. It is insane, and it is nothing but the weakness.

The French police (and that of all the other mature nations) must educate its crews to treat people fairly, even though that citizen's attitude makes you mad, you need to be calm and do what is appropriate. If you cannot control this, then you don't deserve to be a police. Just an uneducated gang who wears the uniform. 

Plus, martial arts. In Japan, our police must learn arrest-art (taiho-jyutsu 逮捕術) or judo, and it efficiently makes you move much quicker than your opponent and physically control the target. If your opponent is a single, this martial arts help. There is aiki do(合気道) to catch the opponent without physically harming him/her. 

Means, those polices are really UNSKILLED and INFANT, in aspects of whether their job ability is good or not. They all three are incompetent, if it is private IT startup, their performance is too crappy that they gonna be fired within a week. (seriously) This also can be said to the case of George Floyd. Competent police can control him without using leg on his neck. Lack of the martial arts education. (not how to break people, how to catch people). If this kind of tragedy is repeated, I think French police should reconsider the way they educate.

3. Resistance

On the other hand, for the victim this time, and for all the minorities who can be harmed and abused by the local police, I would like to say, 

"Do not resist the police (esp. physically)".

If you are politically motivated and there are no other choice, forget my opinion, but to make your daily life better with fewer risks, avoid the conflict with the police officer is the best safest choice even though they really act like shit. 

If the police grabs you, do not move.

You can detain them later, just for now, do not resist, especially if your country have due process, this is the most clever option. 

Do not give any material which they(idiot) can justify beating you

Just be polite and if they grabs you, do not resist, especially if you don't trust them. 

If they wrongfully capture you and in worst case put you in the police car, the only thing you need to do is to fight legally(this is important) but if they harm you or kill you, it cannot be reversed.

Be patient.

Thanks for the reading, hope the thing like this never happens again.

Plus, R.I.P. for all black people who are dead by the harmful violence by the police.

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