Saturday, March 24, 2018

Look Who's Back



One day, Adolf Hitler time traveled and appeared in the 21st century, Germany. A freelance writer, who's lost the job found and contacted with him. Hitler, thought of as impostor comedian in public got a great hit for his charisma, and gradually got the public recognition and fans. However, as well as his charismatic figure and the ability to make people be moved, also his abnormal hostility towards Jewish (and also his psyco-path feature) is revealed. Finally, they made the film, its main actor is Adolf, the story concludes that it was people who has chosen Adolf Hitler, such that, to deny him means deny democracy itself.


- Man in the old era time traveled and be astonished by bunch of deviations (technology, life style, etc) is one crucial part to entertain viewers.
- Adolf's charisma (even though his brutality) was entertaining deserves watching.
- the method of documentary film was applied partially.
- the parody of the downfall has been introduced, such parody was really funny.
- controversy caused by people (National Democratic vs Liberals)
- Adolf goes to NDP and reprimanded the modern corrupted (non-active) status, that was intriguing part.


This film was mainly comedy, which enhances the touchy topic, therefore it drives so much events and pros/cons. This causes so diverse reaction from people such as: incompatibility with Neo-Nazi, ordinary conservative citizens partially agree with or commit with his ideology, sometimes face with the hostility. Overall, this story tells people that Nazi atrocity is not only the problem of Adolf himself, but the responsibility of the ordinary people who supported and (desired) him.

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