Friday, February 5, 2021


 Should junior idol industry in Japan be abolished?

Recently I saw a BBC show on the Japanese junior idol. A teenage girl who is still 11 years old, in a sexy costume playing and singing in front of audiences, most of them are the middle aged men.

The main point of the show is obvious: how creepy child abuse is going on in contemporal Japan. To some extent, I agree because actually it is creepy and disgusting for most of the adults, including me,

but the thing is not that simple. Also, as well as sea shepeard pushing the values of one civilization towards another is also dangerous, sometimes it reminds us of the former colonialism that

"we good white guys save the helpless asian girls from bad asian bastards", which is definitely the inherent racist intention, wearing the mask of the justice. We all third world people are tired of these

 repetitious propaganda, as well as the storyline black guy often dying on movies, of the western society. So in short, BBC are as same as RT, standing on specific political views or intentions, in my opinion.

Of course racism is not specific to any race, actually it is common human nature across any nationality or race, such as some British/American men have some fantasy to beat up Jap guys and save helpless Japanese ladies, 

and if we name it as 'human nature and fantasy', of course some fixed percentage of men's 'pedophile fantsy' is really quite similar thing. It should be publicly denounced but still it is part of the human nature.

So I felt quite uncomfortable when British journalist interviewed the fans of junior idols, which reminds me of the scene of Chris Hansen, and also the keyword Chris Hansen can explain the contextual difference between Britain and Japan (at least).

My opinion on the middle aged fans of those junior idols, who are obviously freaks, are just "Fair enough. Leave them alone."

Did they raped or molested any minors? Almost all of them actually didn't, they are nothing but the harmless losers who were not chosen in the free market of the love.

Some population, regardless of the nationality, is going to be pedophile and nobody can stop it since it is biological facts. In the United States, even though Chris Hansen tries to publicly shame the predators, those prefators never stop appearing because it is the existential fact.

It is fact, and the difference between the Good nation like U.K and the Bad nation like Japan is the former completely opresses those population, meanwhile latter 'controlls' them.

We have akihabara, tons of disgusting content (like some sensitive cartoons) and we think it is necessary ecosystem to nurture the entire Japanese subculture.

And one of those diversity is junior idol, and those idols are provided by really unique/abnormal parents, and it could be morally wrong but what is morality? Morality in the western definition?

Yet still we commit to the legal level, if anyone tried to or commited inappropriate relationship with minors there are legal consequences in Japan.

So that there is no problem. Why we beat up those losers? If you criticize those losers holding cameras and taking pictures of minors, CAN YOU MAKE THEM HAPPY INSTEAD?

They are basically lonely and most of them feel they are socially isolated. They do not know how to flirt with and communicate with girls and make girlfriend.

If you have sword and judge them, you can temporalily get catharsis but who alleviates them? Maybe they are going to be radicalized. Is your country have less attack on minors than Japan? If so, please give me the statistical evidences. What matters the most is the real minors are not harmed by any adults. This is the line, and this is why there are office members protect these junior idols, and if you tried to cross the line, there are consequences and your name and face are publicly broadcasted on the TV, internet and in the small island with the language never useful outside, your life is over.

Japan is really small island. This is part of the reason why the crime rate in Japan is relatively low. Not because of Japanese personality or character but the geology.

Most of the time the sexual abuse on the kid is by his/her close family or relatives.

And many people criticize and use the word 'fantasy' in the negative sense, but the fantasy is the important tool and entertainment to alleviate the people, pedophiles as well,

and this can keep potential criminals stay away from the actual crimes. Just labeling them and forcing them to stay away from fantasy is as same as forcing gays to like the opposite gender, make the air hard to

come out their nature since we established the common sense and air that 'gay is morally wrong'.

I am not sure why BBC is focusing too much on perverts on the other countries (I think they should focus on their own crimilals instead), actually it reminds me of the colonial era that U.K poked too much into the other third worlds business, and bash Chinese concentration camps while forgetting the history they contaminated and oppressed them prevaling the drugs to the local people. Of course the camps must be abolished and we definitely need the pressure on it, but we should not forget that 'we are not the good guy'. Always the guy who believes himself is good guy is nothing but the douchebag harrassing the people around him with the justice, such as the Iraq war, Vietnam war, Nuclear bombs, state-sponsored terrorist attacks to Cuba, Indonesia, et cetra.

Don't standardize the other country, we are not you. you are not we.




Oh, by the way don't take it too seriously, I love U.K, I love U.S, I love white people in general. Just a reaction to the vid above.

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