Tuesday, April 7, 2020

For vimmer, wiki is fucking easy, we don't need vimwiki

Actually for CUI based coders, everything is easy (if you can manipulate unix commands properly such as sed, awk, grep, find, tr, etc...) and actually most of the 'contemporal' utility and it's dirty trick is not that important to achieve goals. Simpler the better, and people who don't grasp old school much think the IDE is much much better but IDE is for helping morons, unix commands and editors like vim/emacs is much more useful than any other.

Okay, then let's work on wiki.

just create /wiki directory

$ mkdir /wiki
$ sudo chown $whoami:$whoami /wiki
$ sudo chmod 777 /wiki
Then you can either

$ vim /wiki/[your article]


:e /wiki/[your article]

in normal mode of your current buffer.

period. Then then all you need to do is grep through /wiki dir and you can find anything you want asap.
if you want further funtion such as from url watch it on browser thing configure vimrc and make proper function!.


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